David Cocker
Hebden Bridge G.C
I am greatly honoured to have been given the opportunity to be President of the Halifax Past Rabbit Captains Golf Association for 2024. Can I firstly thank our outgoing President Ian Thomas, for giving us a memorable and enjoyable year. May I also thank our Secretary Joe Coulter and our Treasurer Graeme Britteon for all of their hard work in the last year, especially as they are both new to their roles. Despite the challenges Ian outlined with the weather, we all pulled together and completed our competitions and I look forward to a productive and most importantly enjoyable year for us all. I have already booked my away day which will be at Keighley Golf Club on September 8th and I look forward to seeing as many of our members as possible for our annual trip.
Kind Regards,
AGM Report 2024:
Honorary Secretary: Joe Coulter joecoulter@yahoo.co.uk tel 07736 817573
Treasurer: Graeme Britteon graeme.britteon@sky.com tel 07796 611626
54th A.G.M.
Held at Hebden Bridge G.C
Monday 29th March 2024 at 19:30
1. Present: Graeme Britteon
Joe Coulter
Ian Thomas
David Cocker
Keith Aldridge
Ian Black
Tony Beddis
Mick Robertson
Doug Priestley
Anthony Smith
2. Club Reps: J. Coulter - Bradley Hall
M. Robertson - Hebden Bridge
A. Spencer - Halifax
A. Smith - CNP
The meeting was officially opened by the President K. Aldridge.
3. Apologies: Mike Arden, Jeff Callaghan, Adrian Littlewood
4. Obituaries: Mick Moss, Micheal Cordery,
5. Correspondence: None
6. Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved
6(i). Amendments: None
6(ii). Matters Arising: None
7. Secretary's Report:
All of the competitions were completed however both Sam Hall Salver and The Roger Heap Trophy had to be rearranged following adverse weather conditions. Can I thank Ian Thomas and David Cocker for their efforts in ensuring that both of these competitions went ahead.
Sam Hall Salver - Thursday 31st August 2023 @ Halifax G.C. with 20 entries (15 entries the previous year). Winner - Dave Patterson (Crow Nest Park), second place- Stuart Griffiths (Halifax G.C.).
Roger Heap Trophy - Sunday 17th September 2023 @ Hebden Bridge G.C. with 10 entries (16 entries the previous year). Winner - Mick Robertson (Hebden Bridge G.C), second place - G. Boulton (Hebden Bridge G.C.).
Foundation Trophy - Sunday 20th August 2023 @ Bradley Hall G.C. with 8 pairs entered (14 pairs entered previously). Winners - Tony Smith & Dave Patterson (Crow Nest Park G.C), second place - Ian Thomas & Stuart Griffiths (Halifax G.C.)
Presidents Cup - Sunday 10th September 2023 @ Whitefield G.C. with 18 entries (19 entries the previous year). Winners - Adrian Littlewood (Bradley Hall G.C.), second place - Tony Hereford (Crow Nest Park G.C.).
O.O.M - Winner - Tony Hereford (Crow Nest Park G.C.).
Finally, may I thank everyone for their support in my first year as secretary of the association.
Thank you
8. Treasurer's Report:
9. Outgoing Presidents Report (Ian Thomas):
Can I start by saying thank you to Graeme Britteon & Joe Coulter for their hard work and support throughout my year as president. The year presented its challenges in particular some extreme weather conditions which meant we had to rearrange two of our competitions and I wish David Cocker an enjoyable year as president and i will do everything I can to support him.
10. Election of Officers: The following were voted in en bloc:
President: David Cocker (Hebden Bridge G.C)
Vice President: Doug Priestley (Whitecliffe G.C)
Hon. Secretary: Joe Coulter (Bradley Hall G.C)
Treasurer: Graeme Britteon (Bradley Hall G.C)
Foundation Trophy: Keith Aldridge (Bradley Hall G.C)
Website Coordinator: Joe Coulter (Bradley Hall G.C)
Club Reps:
Bradley Hall Joe Coulter
Crow Nest Park Tony Smith
Elland Steve Taylor
Hebden Bridge Mick Robertson
Lightcliffe Ian Black
Halifax Ogden Andrew Spencer
Ryburn David Rigler
Todmorden ???
West End ???
11. Incoming Presidents Remarks:
I am greatly honoured to have been given the opportunity to be President of the Halifax Past Rabbit Captains Golf Association for 2024. Can I firstly thank our outgoing President Ian Thomas, for giving us a memorable and enjoyable year. May I also thank our Secretary Joe Coulter and our Treasurer Graeme Britteon for all of their hard work in the last year, especially as they are both new to their roles. Despite the challenges Ian outlined with the weather, we all pulled together and completed our competitions and I look forward to a productive and most importantly enjoyable year for us all. I have already booked my away day which will be at Keighley Golf Club on September 8th and I look forward to seeing as many of our members as possible for our annual trip.
Kind Regards,
12. Subscriptions & Competition Fees:
The Committee propose that no increase is to be made to the subs and competition fees for 2023 and will remain at:
Membership: £3.00
Foundation: £4.00
This proposal was agreed.
GB raised the question of whether it was time to review subscription and competition fees. As currently association accounts were not as healthy as they should be. A group discussion followed and a vote was taken on removing subscription rates but increasing competition entry fees to £10, half of which would go into the prize pot with the balance allocated to association funds. The result of the vote was unanimous to go forward with this option.
13. Competition Dates 2024:
Sam Hall Salver: - Sunday 4th August at Hebden Bridge G.C.
Roger Heap Trophy: - Tuesday 18th June at Lightcliffe G.C.
Past Captains Cup (Away Day): - Sunday 8th September at Keighley G.C.
Order of Merit: - Hon Secretary to update after the conclusion of each competition.
Foundation Trophy - Sunday 18th August 2024 at Halifax G.C.
Annual Dinner - TBC
A.O.B. None - the meeting was closed 20:45.