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Held at Halifax Golf Club

22nd March 2023 at 19.00.


Participants: President Ian Thomas Halifax G.C. 

Retiring President Keith Aldridge Bradley Hall G.C.

Treasurer Ian Black Lightcliffe G.C.

Foundation Trophy Coordinator Keith Aldridge Bradley Hall G.C.

Hon. Secretary David Greenwood


Club Representatives:

Andrew Spencer Halifax G.C.

Tony Smith Crow Nest Park G.C

Joe Coulter Bradley Hall G.C.

John Ainley Elland G.C.

Mick Robertson Hebden Bridge G.C.

Steve Taylor Elland G.C.



The meeting was officially opened by:

Hon Secretary David Greenwood who welcomed all to the Meeting.


Apologies for Absence:

Tony Smith Crow Nest Park G.C. 

Adrian Littlewood Bradley Hall G.C.


1. Minutes of 52nd AGM: 28th March 2022


As previously circulated. No errors or queries raised.

Proposed by Tony Beddis  (Bradley Hall G.C.), Seconded by Dave Middleton (Bradley Hall G.C.) Unanimously approved. It was agreed to take any matters arising through the meeting.


2. Secretary’s Report:

All the competitions went ahead with no major issues apart from extreme heat for the Roger Heap at Halifax G.C. which prompted giving out extra bottles of water to players. All competitions were well attended and congratulations to all winners. 


SAM HALL SALVER - Sunday 3rd July 2022 - Bradley Hall 15 Entries - Winner Tony Smith Crow Nest Park


ROGER HEAP TROPHY - Tuesday 19th July 2022 - Halifax G.C. 16 Entries - Winner Shaun Higgins Crow Nest Park



The proposal for the new format of the Foundation Trophy was discussed at length and passed by a majority and implemented later in the



Sunday 14th August 2022 - Elland G.C. Round 1 - 14 Pairs - From 5 clubs took part

Semi Final - took place at Ogden 

Final - took place at Bradley Hall - Sunday 23rd October 2022 

CNP v Lightcliffe - Winners - Chris Burke & Ash Airey - Lightcliffe G.C. 


PRESIDENTS CUP - Sunday 11th September 2022 - Bradford G.C. 19 Entries - Winner Graeme Britteon - Bradley Hall G.C.


The Presidents Away Day at Bradford G.C. was a great day out enjoyed by all (And no we didn't get charged for one of our members breaking the patio furniture). Robert Mallinson (Elland). 


ORDER OF MERIT. - Winner - Shaun Higgins - Crow Nest Park 


Finally as you probably know, this is my last meeting as Secretary and I will be handing over to Joe Coulter to take up the reins and take the association forward as I know he will.


Thank you

3. Treasurer’s Report:


 2022/23 HXPRCGA Financial Report.
















4. Outgoing President’s Report: Submitted by Keith Aldridge.


It has been an honour and a privilege to serve as Association President and I would like to thank everyone for their support throughout the year. As a founder member of the Halifax Past Rabbit Captains Association it has always been my ambition to maintain our traditions and see the Association thrive. The original aim of the Association was to maintain friendships made during our time served as Rabbit Captains at our respective clubs mixed with friendly competition , of course mixed with the all important social aspect.

It therefore is of some concern that we see reduced numbers at some of our events, it will be my aim to do everything I can during my year in office to ensure we get as many Past Rabbit Captains in attendance as possible, I would ask for your help in supporting me in this challenge given the great history of this association and the enjoyment we all get from this association. May I wish Ian Thomas a very enjoyable year in office and if I can be of any assistance whatsoever I won't hesitate to be there for him.


Wishing you all a great golfing year!




5. Election of Officers:


The following were voted in en bloc:

President: Ian Thomas (Halifax G.C.) 

Vice President: David Cocker (Hebden Brdige G.C.)

Hon. Secretary: Joe Coulter (Bradley Hall G.C.)

Treasurer: Graeme Britteon (Bradley Hall G.C)

Foundation Trophy: Keith Aldridge (Bradley Hall G.C)

Website Coordinator: Joe Coulter (Bradley Hall G.C)


Club Reps:

Bradley Hall        Joe Coulter

Crow Nest Park  Tony Smith

Elland                   Steve Taylor

Hebden Bridge   Mick Robertson

Lightcliffe            Ian Black

Halifax Ogden    Andrew Spencer

Ryburn             David Riglar

Todmorden       ???

West End         ???


6. Incoming President Remarks:

I feel very honoured to represent Halifax Past Rabbit Captains as President in 2023. I would like to thank Keith Aldridge, Ian Black and David Greenwood for all their hard work for the association and look forward to working with David Cocker our Vice President. Finally I would like to wish everybody a safe and happy golfing year in 2023.


7. Subscriptions and Competition Fees:

The Committee propose that no increase be made to the subs and competition fees for 2023 and will remain at:

Membership: £3.00

Foundation: £4.00

But in the event of competitions being cancelled due to Covid-19 no subs will be collected

8. Competition Dates:


Sam Hall Salver: Sunday 16th July at Halifax G.C.


Roger Heap Trophy:  Wednesday 2nd August at Hebden Bridge G.C.


Past Captains Cup (Away Day): Sunday 10th September at Whitefield G.C.


Order of Merit: Hon Secretary to update after the conclusion of each competition.


9. Foundation Trophy:

Keith Aldridge has agreed to organise this event and has asked that all Club Reps send him entrants Name, email and contact number for both members of the pair by the 27th April.


10. Annual Dinner 2023.

The dinner will take place at Halifax G.C at the end of the season. Date to be confirmed. Further details to follow as to cost, menu and entertainment.


11. A.O.B.


1. Jeff Callaghan raised the issue of falling numbers at competitions, and suggested Rabbit Captains to be contacted in an attempt to boost numbers. Joe Coulter agreed to take this as an action. 


2. A general discussion was held as to when association ties should be worn and it was agreed that ties would be worn at the meal following the President's Away Day.



There being no further business the meeting was closed at 20.15pm.



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